Repair and Repainting of Garage Doors and Frames

Despite the gloomy predictions of a month of continuous rain, the weather is changeable and there are plenty of dry spells. Therefore our long expected project to re-paint the garages is starting!!

Leaseholders should have had a letter asking them to provide painters with keys to the garages. This is really needed as the work cannot be completed unless the doors to the garages are not open. We may be forced to use locksmiths and send the bill to the leaseholder.

Board of Directors decided to pay for the cost of painting, even though the lease specifies this as a responsibility of a leaseholder. So if you have, or your tenant have a key, kindly contact Jason Forster on 07941877669 to give him the key for the duration of work - it should take couple of days only, and hopefully cause no great inconvenience.