Certificate of Incorporation

This is Certificate of Incorporation of Winnals Park Haywards Heath Residents Company Ltd company when it was originally created and first registered. This document is deposited at Companies House and available for inspection. This document cannot be changed.


Memoranda of Association

These are documents that describe the aim and purpose (objects) of company when it was originally created and registered. This document is deposited at Companies House and available for inspection. Memoranda cannot be changed.


Original Articles of Association 1991

These are documents that describe the system of governance of the company and, sometimes, some of the aim and purpose (objects) of company. This document is deposited at Companies House and available for inspection. Our actual Articles of Association only list where they differ from standard Articles listed in Table A of Companies (Table A to F) (Amendment) 1985, so you need both documents to make sense of our Articles of Association. Articles of Association can be changed by resolutions of the General Meetings (Annual meetings and Extraordinary meetings). Latest changes took place over a decade ago, in 2016.



United Kingdom legislation relating to governance of registered companies includes standard articles of association (called Table A) which apply to all companies unless companies choose to make changes to them). WPHHRC Ltd Articles of Association refers to Table A on number of occasions. There are number of versions of Table A. Here is one that applies to WPHHRC Ltd as it was current in 1991 when company was incorporated


Statutory declaration of compliance & Statement of first directors & secretary

These documents are deposited at Companies House and available for inspection. These are documents that were sent to Companies House during the process of company registration at Companies House


Articles of Association - Current version.

Our actual Articles of Association only list where they differ from standard Articles listed in Table A of Companies (Table A to F) (Amendment) 1985, so you need both documents to make sense of our Articles of Association. Original Articles of Association can be changed by resolutions of the General Meetings (Annual meetings and Extraordinary meetings). There were two resolutions amending the Articles of Association: in 2012 and in 2016. Below is a current version of Articles.